Join your new parasocial friends Linnea Bullion and Emilia Barrosse as they watch and discuss Adrien Brody's eclectic filmography in chronological order.
Podcasting since 2021 • 60 episodes
Latest Episodes
BONUS – We Are Your Friends
Linnea and Emilia bring you a very special bonus episode discussing 2015's We Are Your Friends, a film about a DJ (Zac Efron) struggling to follow his dreams in LA. They also share words of wisdom, and debate starting K...
Season 3
Episode 11
3.10 – Asteroid City
Linnea and Emilia are officially caught up-to-date with all of Adrien Brody's films (as of recording this episode) after having watched Asteroid City (2023), the most Wes Anderson-y of all Wes Anderson's oeuvre. They also chat a specia...
Season 3
Episode 10
3.09 – Fool's Paradise
Linnea and Emilia go over their qualms with Fool's Paradise (2023), a comedy written by, directed by, and starring Charlie Day.Got a question/comment/nickname suggestion for Linnea? Email